The MoMS podcast series presents conversations, audio tours and other sounds relating to our programme. Find and subscribe on your preferred podcast platform.
Get Rich or Lie Trying: A Conversation with Symeon Brown
MoMS spoke to journalist and reporter Symeon Brown about his new book 'Get Rich or Lie Trying: Ambition and Deceit in the New Influencer Economy' which exposes the fraud, exploitation, bribery, and dishonesty at the core of the influencer model, revealing a broken economy that resembles a pyramid scheme.
The Retail Therapist, Ep. 1
Laura Yuile and The Museum of Modern Shopping presents — The Retail Therapist — an exploration of consumerist tales of woe, with guest, artist Lindsey Mendick.
Have you found yourself shopping during the pandemic just to feel alive? Have you ever realised you've got 20 tabs open and you've been looking at Latvian cardigans for 3 hours? The Retail Therapist a consumerist agony aunt offering retail therapy for a world obsessed with shopping.